Real Time Water Quality Information - Calibration Schedule and Deployment Reportsline.gif (1668 bytes)

Calibration Schedule

The water quality probe is periodically removed to undergo necessary maintenance and calibration. Some of these removals are necessary to perform scheduled maintenance while others may be done in response to sudden fouling of the sensors or loss of calibration.

The maintenance/calibration process involves removing the water quality probe from the water body for cleaning, replacement of sensor fluids and membranes where necessary, and calibrating and testing in a temperature-controlled laboratory. This usually takes place over a period of two days but may take longer for specific sites or to address unique problems.

Deployment  Reports

After each deployment a brief report describing water quality events and conditions at each site is prepared by the Environmental Scientists. The reports are grouped by station and can be viewed as Adobe PDF files at the links below.


Water Quality Monitoring Agreement


National Real Time Water Quality



Vale Inco Newfoundland and Labrador Limited

Vosiey's Bay Stations

Long Harbour Stations


Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro


Duck Pond Operations (Teck Cominco Limited)


Newfoundland and Labrador Refining Corporation



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